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How to fix LCD/LED TVs black screen

LED strip tester

Ever had your TV showing nothing but a black screen even if the audio was working? Unfortunately, that’s a common issue with low/middle-end LCD/LED TVs these days… Even more frustrating, this issue often comes from a rather tiny and cheap component that can be easily replaced. Most common issues are:

  • Defective capacitor on the power supply board
  • Defective LED in the backlight system

In this post, we’ll take a look at the latter and at one way to fix it.

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Mirror, mirror on the wall

A while ago, I came across an article online about something called Magic Mirror. I did not know what to do with it but loved the idea!

Basically it’s a regular computer screen behind a 1-way mirror that allows you to display informations in a very elegant way.

Connected mirror

After a while I came up with 2 ideas that could be useful in such a device:

  • Show upcoming events from calendars (private, work, social network events).
  • Show next passage times of the bus stops down the street.
  • Also, showing the date and wheather forecast would be a nice touch.
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